Infographics could help to distribute the idea and attract one’s attention
Image is one of many forms of communication that plays an important role in idea presentation. One good image is worth thousand words. It can simplify the idea, and at the same time, deliver it clearly. Images make information more attractive and persuasive. In art, images reflect basic understanding of tendency. World Wide Web provides infinite amount of images from different cultures: Russians, Chinese, French. And none of them require any translation.
Just like videos, images can be distributed in Internet with one click. Does that mean that images have more potential than text to be infected by virus? It depends, but visuals certainly are more valuable in idea distribution. Especially when these visuals are well interpreted in words. Unique and original visuals can catch attention of larger audience. One of the most popular forms of idea distribution assisted by visuals is Infographics.
What is Inforgraphics? Usually this term is understood by visual interpretation of information and data. It’s an image that provides complex information needed for quick representation of huge amount of data. Today, Inforgaphics is being used in different kinds of areas, starting with science and statistics demographic data, finishing with education and journalism. Basically, it’s all-purpose tool for distribution of conceptual information.
Most likely you have seen Infographics already in books, magazines, newspaper, manuals, business reports and etc. This tool is used very actively these days. Visually Infographics can be represented in many different forms: caricature, diagram, illustration, or simply drawing. Any of these forms are good if it delivers the information and reaches certain goals, set by the compiler of this Infographics. There is no limitation in use of instruments.
Primary goal of Infographics is information delivery. Usually it plays a role of adjustment to the text which explains the main idea and consists of multiple descriptions. The style of this message can be individual and unique, or common to the audience. It depends on the goal that compiler has. Who is the audience? And what is the reaction that the compiler expects to get from this audience? Infographics is based on certain set of rules, so not every visual can be called Infographics.
For better understanding of this concept, take a look at the following examples of Infographics.
From these examples you can notice how convenient Infographics is. The highest level in Infographics is called Interactive Infographics. This type of Infographics allows to represent large amount of different types of information organized in one visual, which will be convenient enough for targeted audience.
Is contemporary technology going to help to distribute your information?
The expansion of social networks and blogs allows you to deliver your message to the society. So in this case, Infographics becomes a great tool that will help you distribute certain information. A while ago, many marketers noticed the importance of visualization that can be used in marketing of a product. Infographics is not just a way to deliver the information in compact version, but it’s also fun.
And finally in business, marketers and managers can use Infographics for over-viewing certain statistics (example — ministry report). It is very visual and nice to look at, and sometimes even critically important for business (dashboards for business intelligence). Important part of business-infographics is understanding the purpose of the visual. Which means that it’s very important for the designer to understand and analyze thee data that he works with. Design is not the most important aspect of this message. True master can deliver necessary information on a napkin.
Animated Infographics — another way of presenting your information creatively. Here is some more examples of Infographics (Sankey diagram):
and also some examples of visualization on Infographer.
Primarily, Infographics are developed outside Russia (see International Infographics), but Russian infodesigner school gets into work with data.
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