I’m publishing an example of poor design, taken from the resource Chart Porn. Title «Atheism is growing»
Can you see the data on the number of atheists? Look at it for couple of minutes and you will find them. They are very well camouflaged and transparent. All the attention is paid to the bar, which does not have any connection to the theme of atheism.
Unfortunately, the work with schedules is not done done at all. All time was spent on a bright, colorful substrate.
I finally found the charts on the back of the chairs, and much later I found another one — in the upper right corner. What does it do? I do not know yet.
И как бы не критиковали Эдварда Тафти, все равно его правило о соотношении и информации и чернил является очень актуальным.
And no matter how critical we are to Edward Tufte, his rule about the relationship of information and ink is still very relevant.