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Here is another form of diagrams, that can not be built in Excel. Generally, in most cases, you can live without it, but there are times when it can be invaluable.
Imagine: you want to compare 20 different cars on a number of factors: acceleration to 60 mph, horsepower, swept volume, buyers evaluation, and etc. All these criteria have different scales and units: seconds, horsepower, subjective evaluation from 1 to 5, liters … In such cases, there are two standard solutions:
As a helpful solution, here is parallel coordinates where all scales are normalized:
Example above illustrates social-demographic analysis. In contrast to Excel, where we can fit only 3 axis (one on X and two on Y), there are no restrictions.
If there are less than 5-7 axis, they can be composed to make up a circle; similar meaning axis can be placed closer to each other. The example below is taken from — where you can find many interesting things. Its author Martin Krzywinski describes the possibility of using these diagrams in science (particularly in description of human genome). He calls these graphs — Hive graphs, and considers them applicable only for large data sets.
Advanced research agency Juice analytics has prepared a guide on rules of creating a «dashboard». The following rules are not theoretical, but taken from their personal experience.
The following three documents make up the guidelines:
Part 1: How can the Dash Board be helpful for your organization? How to identify target audience when creating a Dash Board and what the type of dashboard to use?
Part 2: How to start the process? How to choose the right metrics? How to focus attention of the audience on most important things?
Part 3: Information designer’s guidelines on which charts to use when disposing the figures in the report?
Few days ago the first one was published. I’m quoting most interesting ones; the original document is below.
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Advanced research agency Juice analytics has prepared a guide on rules of creating a «dashboard». The following rules are not theoretical, but taken from their personal experience.
The following three documents make up the guidelines:
Part 1: How can the Dash Board be helpful for your organization? How to identify target audience when creating a Dash Board and what the type of dashboard to use?
Part 2: How to start the process? How to choose the right metrics? How to focus attention of the audience on most important things?
Part 3: Information designer’s guidelines on which charts to use when disposing the figures in the report? Продолжить чтение →