Introducing the Inforgrapher’s Team.
Irina Dobrova
Bachelor degree at State University of Novosibirsk in Sociology major.
Has been working as Senior Consumer and Market Insight Manager in international FMCG company for 5 years. «During this time I obtained significant work experience with such grocery brands as Lipton, Beseda, Brooke Bond, Knorr, Calve, Rama.» — Irina. Contact me by email.
Languages: English — fluent, Italian — beginner.
What means to me? It is my визитная карточка and my study ground, where I am publishing all my work, sharing the experience with others by spreading out existing work in infographic world, bringing the specialists in this theme together.
Max Gorbachevskiy
Project’s co-author, confederate, project manager. Also is the technical support of this blog. Contact me byContact me by email.
Bachelor degree at State University — Higher School of EconomicsГосУниверситет «Высшая Школа Экономики» in Finance major. In past — project manager in MalinaМалина, manager of strategic projects at FinService BankФинсервис, consultant in strategic consulting at АксионБКГ. Also has substantial technical competence.
Languages: English, German, Italian.
Max is the founder and till this day leads couple start-ups like and On Max is responsible for organizing and programming the dashboards, data base, and in charge of everything that has to do with technical problem-solving of any kind difficulties.
Откуда взялась инфографика? Where infographics
Report by Irina Dobrova:
«We (researchers) are constantly providing various information to help businesses to make a difficult decision. Not so long ago, a year ago to be certain, my company (FMCG) stated that it is ready to spend X% from budget not on information research, but on visualizing it. The reason to this decision is understandable — FMCG need market’s data to be useful and profitable.
1. If data is hard to understand then not everyone can use it
2. If data is boring and hard to remember then again, it won’t be used
That is where the complications came alone. I realized that there is no such thing in Russia as a specialist that can turn information full of statistic data into a animated presentation, for example.
Оказалось, что для креативщиков это не профиль — им проще рисовать знакомые рекламные макеты. Три крупных агентства просто отказались взяться проект. It turns out that creative people do not take that seriously — it is easier for them to
It became clear, that someone who is good with numbers and at the same time knows how to use graphic instruments is needed. And I could not find such individual on the market. So I decided to choose this direction for self-development. I am quite experienced in researching (left hemisphere mostly), so now I am trying to develop the right one by studying in British School of Design.»
So what then?
We are open-minded to talk to you, so if infographics got you interested write us пишиете на email. is on Behance: