Stephen Few is one of the most active players on the field of data visualization in the U.S..
He writes a blog, as well as he is the author of three books, plus, he advises companies on infographics. Unfortunately, none of his books or articles are translated into Russian.
His most famous book is Show Me The Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten
This is his very first book and I’ll say the basic one, explaining general principles for constructing graphs and tables. And by the way, the book is available at OZON
According to reviews on different Web sites, this book is more practical than the works of Tuftie. Tufte is very academic, in comparison with S. Few.
I did not get a chance his second book — Information Dashboard Design, its few digests will appear on the web site. Something like this.
My first impression of the book is that it’s very well structured. It contains a lot of information on the principles of effective construction of DashBoards. But I spent couple of hours in internet and found more interesting resources on this topic — for example, DashBoard Insights. And most importantly, these sites are not static — new articles appear there all the time. So basically, I felt sorry for my 30 pounds that went on the purchase of the book.
A while ago, there was an announcement about the release of his third book — Now You See It. From what I heard, the main difference from the first book will be that the author left the theme of visualization of quantitative information. He offers to make a step back and understand the meaning and the interpretation of data. The book proposes techniques for analysis.
Incidentally, all his examples of visualization are made in MS Excel, which makes them even more viable material for most analysts.