Last time I talked about how to build micro-charts in Excel’s cells. In fact, that’s not all that you can do. Turn on the creativity and ..
… The is one think that was lacking in those charts — signature. You can add them using this formula:
=REPT(«|»,D2)&» «&D2
…Превращаем время в диаграмму Гантта. Наверное, самое полезно-ценное применение. В Excel просто так Ганнта не построить, MS Project вряд ли у кого-то есть, а привязать нормально к строкам с данными — ещё сложнее. Итак: полоски показывают промежутки времени, отведённые на определённую задачу.
… Transforming time to Gantt’s chart — perhaps the most useful value-added use of the chart. It’s not easy to build Gantt’s chart in Excel, it’s unlikely that anyone has MS Project, and connecting it to the rows with data is even harder. So: bars indicate the time intervals reserved for a specific task.
=REPT(» «,(D2-MIN($D$2:$D$10)))&REPT(«|»,1.5*(E2-D2+1)),
D2 — the cell with the start date, E2 — the cell with the final date, and the column D2: D10 is the column of all starting dates
Multiplication by 1.5 is necessary in order to relate the width: in Arial font, the gap approximately equals to one and half of the symbol «I»
.. adding the endingss to the graphs, and the graphs themselves are made with the dotted lines. It still remains readable, and graph gets an entirely different look.
Try it yourself — check out the file with all these graphs.
Let’s invent something similar to that…